Dublin Core
Critical Success Factors In Roads Sector Contract Management in Ghana
Emmanuel Norgah Bukari
The road construction industry in Ghana is one of the largest job creators and is highly competitive. The high number of failures in road projects suggests the existence of an underlying critical success factor which have not been identified. This study assesses the critical success factors in road sector contract management in Ghana and presents the results of survey-based research derived from the responses of approximately 145 respondents from contracting officers limited to the Road Sector Ministry (Ghana Highways Authority, Department of Feeder Roads and Department of Urban Roads) and Road Contractors and Consultants in Ghana. The principal contribution of this study is to identify the implications of critical success factors and prioritize by ranking, and provide suggestion that can be implemented in the road sector to improve contract management in Ghana. To analyze the data from the questionnaires, an excel spreadsheet was used applying the Rank Enhanced Formula functions to extract the weightings, sort and ranked them in ascending order of priority with the application of weighted score. The results mean that, the respondents considered the one with the highest ranged value being most critical success factor is-à-vis the others respectively.
The overall conclusion is that, focussing on the critical success factor as prioritized, can improve the road sector contract management in Ghana. The recommendation among others is that the road sector in Ghana should put their attention more on the shared knowledge procedures and areas impacting project contract management by attending to the branded critical success factors in the area of organizational procedures and structures.
The overall conclusion is that, focussing on the critical success factor as prioritized, can improve the road sector contract management in Ghana. The recommendation among others is that the road sector in Ghana should put their attention more on the shared knowledge procedures and areas impacting project contract management by attending to the branded critical success factors in the area of organizational procedures and structures.
MSc. Engineering Project Management
Ghana Technology University College
May 2018
Mr. Andrew Nunekpeku