Examining the Management of Risk Issues in Procurement; A Case Study of Ghana Technology University College (GTUC)


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Examining the Management of Risk Issues in Procurement; A Case Study of Ghana Technology University College (GTUC)


Cornelius Kwarkoh Amoah


The purpose of the study is to examine the “Management of risk issues in procurement: a case study of Ghana Technology University College.” Objectives that steered this research were (a) to determine the relationship between procurement risks/challenges, organizational performance and the need for management of procurement risks; (b) to find the specific procurement risks in GTUC and how they affect organizational performance; and (c) to find specific procurement related risks that need particular attention for management and how these risks could be managed. By means of an exploratory cross-sectional research design 30 staff of the GTUC including 4 procurement officials was selected for the study. The sample size forms more than 50% of the population of staff in the GTUC who deal directly with the procurement unit. Staff of the GTUC quantitatively filled the Procurement risk questionnaire, organizational performance questionnaire and the management of procurement risk questionnaire. Procurement officials were interviewed based on the objectives of the study. Findings revealed that, procurement risks/challenges do not significantly affect the organizational performance of the University; however, qualitative probe reveals that, the procurement risks/challenges translate into poor service quality in the GTUC including slow work activities and ineffective teaching and learning. Moreover, interferences/disruptions and resources challenges are the greatest of risk issues in procurement and would reduce the procurement risks in the GTUC by 39% if managed. It was also found that, risk issues in procurement in the GTU is high and requires a relatively higher management approaches to mitigate it such as elimination or simplification of some bureaucratic procedures as well as proactive work dynamics such as early submission of proposals and budgets. Furthermore, more would have to be done to enhance the capabilities of staff through the selection of qualified personnel and staff development through training programmes and self- development. The finding was explained in relation to the rational choice theory and supports a number of studies reviewed. It also highlights a number of discoveries into procurement risks that have not been reported by previous studies. It is recommended therefore that the procurement processes in the GTUC be reviewed periodically so that bureaucratic processes that impede successful outcomes are either eliminated or simplified.


Msc in Supply Chain Management


May, 2018